Virginia Is a Godsend!!!!
Can I Write and Play the Part?
I've been thinking about this entire process a lot lately. Especially about what I can contribute to our project. Compared to my groupmates, Nicole and Virginia, I have very little experience in media production. They've both been in this world for almost 4 years now, whereas my experience is limited to pretty much just this course. I believe that my biggest strength comes in my writing abilities. I've written some short stories that only a few of my closest friends have read, and poetry is my most frequently used coping mechanism. I feel, however, like my skills in poetry and prose could transfer over to screenwriting for this. Since we specifically chose this genre to play to our backgrounds and strengths, I want my writing skills to be my biggest contribution to this project.
I was also thinking of the filming process and what I could contribute then. Since Nicole and Virginia are both very knowledgeable in the production aspect of filming, I feel as if I will have to end up acting as our main character. While acting isn't something I'm very familiar with, I'm very excited to see first if I even play our character, and second, how it turns out if I do. I think that since this is just a film opening, and our idea wants to focus a lot of the camera time on showing the objects in the room, my performance will do the job we need it to do. While this is a detail we will have to confirm in the next coming days, I'm very excited if I do get to act in this! I love getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things, and I've never really had an opportunity like this, so why not try it? Maybe I'll win an Oscar! Just kidding.
Setting the Schedule
Given that this process is officially in full swing, my group is currently in the process of developing an official schedule for the production of our project. Since we are still finalizing the details of our plan, we still do not have an accurate end date as to when the planning period will end. However, we now find ourselves in a dilemma: when to film. Since this project should be finished and submitted by early April, we want to get the filming done as soon as possible. However, we do have a week off of school during spring break, but fear that this is too soon before the project is due to film
Filming ASAP seems like the better option because it gives us the most time to deal with any mishaps that may arise. It would also give us the most time to deal with anything that might need to be fixed during the editing and post-production process. However, given that all 3 of us have busy schedules that are almost always taken up by rigorous academics, jobs, and numerous extracurriculars, we aren't sure of how realistic this plan would be. Our filming would likely be limited to weekends, and filming the entire opening in one weekend would be extremely difficult, especially with changes in lighting, and other commitments, like our jobs, that we would have to clear in order to film then.
Filming during spring break would basically give us the most consecutive time possible to film, since we don't have to worry about school. This break lasts from March 17th to March 28th. However, that is extremely close to the day we have to submit this project in early April. This would limit the time we have for editing and the post-production process. Additionally, if we started filming and realized we needed extra equipment that had to be purchased online, making this process extremely tight and risky.
We're still debating when we should film and will be asking out teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa for advice as soon as we meet with her on Tuesday.
SET(ting) The Scene
Today, out of curiosity, I decided to do some research on what our set should entail. This isn't something my group has discussed because we're only still in the beginning stages of our planning. The way I pictured our scene, it would take place in an entirely white room, but almost like more of a set than an actual room. Right now, I see it being similar to some sets from Jubilee's (a YouTube channel) videos, which are filmed using white curtains on the sides and background.
A Starting Point!
Nicole and Virginia are back! The entire CBTV crew killed it at STN, bringing home some of the most prestigious awards that could have been won! But now, it's time for work!
We had our first class period together since their return from the trip, and immediately wanted to get to work. The night before, we had decided that we were going to create a horror/psychological thriller for our film opening. We decided that it was the best way to capitalize on each of our individual strengths: Virginia's background in short horror films, Nicole's editing skills, and my writing background. Nicole and Virginia recently produced a short psychological thriller titled "Toby Has Friends", which they have submitted to various film festivals. In class, Virginia also showed me another short psychological thriller she had produced titled "Critique", about a young artist who fails to deal with the pressures from critics of her work, resulting in her demise. We knew that since this genre is the one that we were the most familiar with, it would be the best one to have our film opening under.
We then spent the rest of the period brainstorming ideas for what our film opening should be about. We threw around many different ideas, but figured that they were all similar to something that we had either seen or made before. One idea that I proposed to the group was about an extremely charismatic and handsome political figure (think of JFK, for example) who is part of an extremely unknown and dangerous cult that is responsible for causing psychological torture to many people. We quickly realized, however, that it would be difficult for one of us, or someone our age to play the part of a political candidate, as we obviously look much younger than one typically does, and realized that it would be hard to find someone who would fit the part and be reliable for filming days. So the search for ideas continued.
We then agreed that we could do something about a person in purgatory. The film-opening itself would show the person waking up, and feeling confused as to where they are, rather than panicking or scared, differentiating this from other psychological thrillers. We decided that the credits could be shown own close-ups of different objects from the character's life. We also decided that we want the color scheme to be extremely monochromatic. When Virginia mentioned the idea, I immediately pictured an all-white room, with the character also dressed in all white, with dark objects surrounding him. We're still figuring out many details about it, but I'm really proud of what we've come up with in just one day and I can't wait to update you on the rest of this process!
Mind Block
Being that my groupmates are currently on the other side of the country, and much of the development of our project is being left to me for now, I have been placed with the initial development of ideas for our film opening. However, this responsibility has come with a consequence: as much as I try to brainstorm ideas for the film opening, I have come up with some ideas, but I feel as if all of them have been done before or wouldn't turn into something I would be proud of. For example, one idea I came up with consisted of two couples that were saying goodbye to each other at the airport, as one member of each couple was leaving. The opening would consist of different cuts in order to tell the story of each of the two couples saying goodbye. The end of the opening scene would hint at the two members that don't travel end up coinciding but think nothing of it, only to continue to run into each other over and over again, setting up the conflict for the film. I feel as if this idea has been done before, but I don't know if or where I've seen it before. I think that there are also some challenges when it comes to filming at an actual airport, as there are too many external factors that could impact the filming process, especially when it comes to the audio and sound.
I do know, however, that this whole process will become easier when my groupmates, Nicole and Virginia, return from their competition in California. We've been in contact when they've been able to do so. As soon as I see them in class on Wednesday, we're going to bounce ideas off of each other to see what we can come up with and catch up with the other groups. I believe that when it comes to creative projects like these, the more minds, the better. What may start off as a simple idea in one of our heads could become an amazing final product thanks to our collaboration and maybe even combining different elements from ideas that we may present to each other. I know that planning the film opening is the most difficult step in the process, and I'm very excited to get it over with, but I don't just want to rush through it, I want to put in the dedication required to create something I can be proud of.
I feel as if I should mention that Virginia and Nicole sent me a picture from California the other day! I really continue to wish them the best of luck as their trip continues and I cannot wait to see them when they come back and get to work!
An Early Bump In the Road
It is often said that good things come to those who wait, and I sure hope that is the case for this project. Even though the process for this project has just started, my group is already facing one of the greatest obstacles known to man: distance. My groupmates, Nicole and Virginia, are currently in Long Beach, California, representing our school's TV club at the STN National Convention. They're making our school proud and showcasing their talents when it comes to media creation, production, and journalism.
Their trip has impacted our project, however. Because of the time difference between us, and their busy schedules, we have not been able to plan many aspects at all. We have had some discussions regarding what genres we want our film opening to be under, but we haven't made much progress with any ideas for a plot, shooting sites, or potential character that we might want to include in our project.
Obviously, we know that this obstacle is going to require us to put in additional effort to stay on track. As soon as they return on Monday, we need to get right to work, come up with an idea as to what we want our opening to entail. We will also need to create a schedule to allocate adequate time to planning, filming, and editing. We're going to have to get a lot of work done in the coming weeks after Nicole and Virginia return but I'm looking forward to seeing what we create.
I wish Nicole and Virginia the best of luck as they take on The STN Convention this weekend, make us proud!
Establishing the Target (Audience)
For this post, I decided I'll be conducting some research on target audiences for the two genres I am thinking of doing my portfolio project on.
The target audience for Romantic Comedies are typically females of a wide range of ages. For example, RomComs such as the films in the "Mamma Mia" franchise catered better to older women who are also fans of ABBA's music and were old enough to remember the first "Mamma Mia" film. However, for the sequel "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!", the marketing team behind the film hoped to make the most of nostalgia created by ABBA's music and the first movie itself. An article from the Los Angeles Times labeled Mamma Mia's target audience as "usually neglected during the summer."
The target audience for horror and thriller movies is typically young males (typically ages 15-24). This is likely due to this group being more aggressive by nature and enjoying adrenaline rushes created by these types of films. Horror films also tend to include male protagonists, creating a deeper connection and relationship between the target audience and the characters in the film. For example, a thriller that captivated a wide audience was "A Quiet Place" (2018). While it did have a wider target audience because of its star-studded cast, it proved to be more successful among young male adults than any other age and/or gender demographic.
Although I know my group's project will have a limited audience, I want to create a product that will be accessible and appealing to a wide group of people, and most importantly, one that my groupmates and I can be proud of.
Genre Brainstorming!
As my group and I begin to brainstorm our ideas for our 2-minute film opening for our AICE Media Studies AS evaluation, I thought it would be a good idea to research famous openings of some of my favorite film genres. Given that this is the first time I have had creative control over a project like this one, I do want to create a piece in a genre that I do enjoy watching.
One of my favorite film genres is RomComs. These are generally light-hearted films, and the openings also tend to introduce the main character, as well as the conflict. Characters are typically depicted as hopeless romantics with bad luck in their love lives and they always seem to be extremely clumsy or unhappy with their employment and yearn for love as a distraction from their problems.
The first part of the video below shows the opening scene of one of my favorite films of all time, "Crazy, Stupid Love" (2011). This opening scene is effective in specific because it introduces two of the main characters, as well as the main conflict of the film, Cal's divorce from his wife. The conflict is introduced in a comedic, out-of-the-blue way, which sets the tone for the rest of the film and captivates the viewer as well, doing exactly what an effective film opening should do.
Another one of my favorite genres that I am interested in dabbling in for the portfolio project is horror. Horror film openings have one ingredient that outdoes all the others: mystery. Whether it's dark colors, somber music, or extensive periods of silence, horror movies build on one of every viewer's worst fear: the unknown. However, the opening scenes of other horror movies will capture a moment and introduce certain plot details and characters before the horror strikes.
One of my favorite Horror films is "Us" (2019). In my opinion, it has one of the most remarkable and intriguing film openings I've ever seen. The initial shot of the singular rabbit immediately captures my attention every time I watch the film. The symbolism that is presented at the literal beginning of the film leaves the viewer captivated and attentive throughout the entire film, especially when paired with the intensifying music in the background and the abstract and intense font and coloring that introduces the main cast and crew.
In my 2-minute film opening, I hope to be able to draw upon certain genre characteristics to create film openings as remarkable as the ones I have mentioned. I'm glad we have adequate planning time to create and execute the vision we come up with, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes!
A New Start!
Now that May is coming closer and closer, it is time to start working on our 2-minute film openings for our final portfolio project! My team, composed of Nicole, Virginia, and myself, have about 3 months to plan out and produce a 2-minute film opening to tell a story that we would like to share.
While I know that this process will require hours upon hours of hard work, I want to do everything in my power to make sure that we have fun while doing so. I believe that some of the best pieces of media I watch are ones where I can tell that the cast is enjoying playing the characters and being part of that production. I also want to create a story that has a meaning. As I hope to minor in Communications in college, I know the importance that media can have in spreading a message, and although I know that the audience for this film may be limited, I still want to have the film opening be of some worth to society.
My class spent an entire period learning about the importance of film openings; their power to captivate; to inspire, and most importantly: to intrigue an audience to invest their attention to the other 99% of the film. We live in a world where first impressions are crucial, and that is true for both people and the media we consume. One thing that stood out to me was said in the Ted Talk by Producer Andrew Stanton that we watched in class. He said that a film opening "should give the viewer 2+2, not 4". This quote in particular made me realize that the best films don't give everything away. Sure, they may pave the road, but the end isn't reached without the viewer stepping on the gas. Seeing this Ted Talk really made me conscious of how important film openings are.
Although my group and I are still brainstorming what our film opening should be about, what it should look like, and how we want to produce it, I am looking forward to planning and executing this project. I have never had the opportunity to have this creative freedom and produce my own pieces of media, so I look forward to learning a lot throughout this process as well as to producing a film opening I can be proud of.
Music Marketing Blog Post #2
Well, ONLY's journey is over (for now)! In retrospect, this project was just as trying as it was redeeming. I'm very proud of the rest of the group and myself for the work we put into this project, and I learned a lot about music videos, brands, and their development throughout this entire process.
The brainstorming process was somewhat tedious. Making the decision of which song to choose. When we first heard the songs in the country folder, we were scared as to how we were going to develop a brand, artist, and music video from the material that was given to us to start off this project. However, as soon as we heard "Need You Now", I knew that this was the song that we HAD to use for this project, as it was what we considered to be the most accessible song, and gave us the most potential for a brand.
During the brainstorming process, we thought it would be easiest for our artist to be a duo, as the song is sung by a male and female singer. When coming up with the image and the brand as a whole, we wanted to embrace some factors of the country genre but also start away from it to make our artist stand out and serves as a progression in the genre rather than fall right into the borders of country. We wanted the image, color scheme, and vibe of the brand to definitely have a more modern look to represent the youthful image of the artist we were trying to create. We decided to go for a black and white monochromatic color scheme and a modern font for our logo and brand. When it came to brainstorming the name, it got to the point where we were almost so hopeless where we just started blurting out words. I said "Only", and decided that it could work as a name. We figured that it could serve as an acronym for the two members' names, so we came up with the names (Oscar Newbourne and Lila Yeager). Logan and Santiago began coming up with and designing merchandise ideas for the brand.
That day, we came up with a 4-point plan to fame that included a backstory of our artists, marketing and distribution strategies, as well as morals and basics that we wanted the artist and brand to have. More than anything, we wanted ONLY to represent a new wave of country music; an artist with a sleek and modern image. I took it upon myself to create the social media sites, since I had quick access to the logo and would collect the most behind the scenes content from this whole project, and I have experience running the social media platforms of numerous clubs at Cypress Bay, so I knew I could create a cohesive social media presence for our brand.
From there, we began brainstorming plans for the music video. We decided that since the lyrics of the song told an easy story to follow, we could turn the music video into a storytelling and a promotional one. That day, I went home, and spent roughly 4 hours storyboarding the music video, and THAT was the point of this project where I begun to despise "Need You Now". During the storyboarding process, I wanted to create a video that told a simple, relatable, and accessible story that also presented the artists to the target audience in a great way.
The Final Product!
It's been a very long two months, but the final product of "Steve" is finally here! We hope you enjoy it! Thank you to ev...

As my group and I begin to brainstorm our ideas for our 2-minute film opening for our AICE Media Studies AS evaluation, I thought it wo...
Even though Halloween has already passed, I wanted to do a research post on one of my favorite film genres: Horror! What is Horror? Acco...