Showing posts with label Reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reflection. Show all posts

A Small Reflection!

     Today in class, we were split into different groups with our colleagues to discuss the process of our projects. We were split by Mrs. Stoklosa into groups of Five, and we were each to introduce our idea to the other members in our group and give a brief overview of how the process is going, including any challenges we've had, and open ourselves up to critique and ideas from others. We got to read over each other's blogs, see snippets of each other's films. and gave each other advice on what to do next.

   It was extremely interesting to see all the ideas that everyone else had, I found that some of us were running into similar issues, and other people had run into some that I could not have imagined. I found this to be extremely beneficial. Not just for the sake of the project, but also for myself. Seeing how people are integrating factors that are so important to them in their everyday life into their films was honestly so refreshing to see. For example, Jaxson, who I know is very into American Sign Language, is producing his film around a character who struggles with coming of age while deaf. I also learned that Rodrigo is extremely into music production, and he's centering the plot of his film opening around a college student who tries to make it big in the music industry. Rodrigo is also producing some of the music in the film opening himself, which I think is extremely remarkable. This activity reminded me that creativity is so beautiful. Since this morning, I haven't stopped thinking about the amazing things that we as humans can do with our emotions and our minds, and it's genuinely made me very sentimental throughout the day. It was amazing to see the progress that everyone's made so far, help others out, and see everyone's ideas, and I cannot wait to see all of our pieces come to life! 

The Final Product!

     It's been a very long two months, but the final product of "Steve" is finally here! We hope you enjoy it! Thank you to ev...