Introducing the Characters: Steve

    As we go further into this process, I thought it would be cool to introduce the characters from our film opening! The introductions will be split into different blog posts, but I thought it would be fitting to introduce the character that I will be playing in our opening: Steve. Steve is the main character in this film opening, he is also the character that our film, "STEVE", is named after. Most of the film opening revolves around Steve and the mystery and confusion he wakes up to, and his douchey personality is almost immediately made apparent to the audience. 

    Steve is a stereotypical cocky, misogynistic, rude, business executive. In the film, Steve is married to Maria, who he considers to be extremely insane, and often questions his relationship with her. He often blames Maria for many of the problems he causes or puts himself in, and is very emotionally abusive towards his wife. Steve feels as if he deserves everything good in the world, be it money, power, or love, and he will do anything in his power to get what he wants. He has a long history of manipulating and gaslighting people to get what he desires, especially women for sex. He is the complete antithesis of an empath, he is a narcissist, really, and he hurts everyone and anyone around him in his search for glory. Steve is someone who has both a savior and victim complex. His passive aggression, toxicity, and lack of empathy will be very clearly seen in our opening, both through his words and actions. Nicole developed a character board for Steve, which I will attach below. Essentially, Steve is a very fratty and macho character. If we had to compare Steve to a famous character from a film, it would be Jordan Belfort from "The Wolf of Wall Street". Even though these movies are of completely different genres, both of these characters are extremely money-driven and manipulative, and they won't let anyone get in the way of what they want.

Nicole's character board for Steve.

    As I prepare to play the role of Steve in our film, I'm definitely going to do more research on similar characters as him so I can channel my inner-douche to give the best performance possible. I'm going to try to stray away from method acting throughout this process because I don't EVER want to be like Steve... I don't think anyone wants to. I'm going to make more posts about playing the character, especially when it comes to choosing aspects such as the costume and maybe even makeup to develop the character's tiredness and confusion, and maybe even a post dedicated to how I'm practicing the lines and having some run throughs before we film.

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The Final Product!

     It's been a very long two months, but the final product of "Steve" is finally here! We hope you enjoy it! Thank you to ev...